I Dare You To Create

Each movement we make in each moment we tune into is part of the creation of our life.  Our life's journey is a continuous piece of art.  So treat every movement you make as the masterpiece it is!

Take a piece of your heart and soul and share it with the world to do it's part, to inspire, bring awareness, and to connect us all back together.

Release your originality and the uniqueness you harness within yourself.  It was never made to be bottled up inside or hidden out of sight.

You were made for greatness, you were meant to shine as bright as the sun.

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Each and every one of us is an inspiration when we are living our lives unfiltered, in the now, and true to ourselves. 

Give your passion the life it desires. 

(aka: any piece made by you- the master of all things you) 

Reach deep within, let it come to the surface, and then watch as inspiration is created for all of the universe to tap into. 

  It doesn't have to be art, photography, writing, music...your usual claimers of the title masterpiece.  It just has to come from you.  With the true intention of creating something you are proud of, something that comes natural to you, something you may not even think highly of yourself.


I dare you to Fully Express Yourself!



and work together!

With me, friends, people on the other side of the world.

It feels so great & creates a ~Ripple Effect ~ helping others to see the possibilities that they too have within them.