Grow Your Glimmer

I recently came across a post on facebook that I later found to be similar to this Zig Ziglar quote: 

“Life is an echo.
What you send out comes back.
What you sow you reap.
What you give you get.
What you see in others exists in you.”


These words inspired me to share with you this piece I recently wrote :)


All it takes is a Glimmer

A small seemingly miniscule morsel of light.

You see, like attracts like

So let yourself shine even if you don't fully feel up to it.

Because the brightness and the hope you have within

-shown on the surface-

will beckon to be seen and in return have n
o choice other than to grow.
A ripple of sorts, started by you

- whether you meant to or not-

Once this wave is birthed it cycles on and on playing a part in those lives who are in its path.
BIG or small depends on what the last encounter has fed it.

So take your glimmer and grow it

What goes around comes around.

Put forth your light

and let the embers of your soul

burn bright as the sun,

as more of the same energy finds and feeds these ferociously feel good flames
of all you are within.


You are capable of being the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars.

You hold the power to create your heaven here on Earth.

So stand tall with all the confidence in the world

and let love and light be emitted through your every movement.

Then watch your world around you transform

into the joyous, loving, peaceful place,
it was always meant to be...


What are you sending out into the world today?