Welcome Me into Your World by Uncensoring Yourself

We all do it...or at least most of us do... Analyzing, perfecting....sharing only our "best selves" with outsiders.  Even sometimes those we love.

  But Why? 

What are we afraid of? 

Why are the judgements of others, so scary? 


Our censoring of ourselves to be seen as socially acceptable is unfortunately the norm.  But I want to change that.  Mainly because I have been there, done that, ...and quite honestly sometimes still do.  But in doing so,  I have found that all I did was lose myself and create a bigger mess to unravel in order to find my own genuine joy and place of content. 

Why create a facade?

Why attract the wrong fitting friends into your life?

Why feel uncomfortable, because you aren't actually honoring the real you?

I know it seems like the easier thing to do.  To go along with the crowd.  To fit neatly into a group of friends you can call your own.  But I can tell you as someone who has been through it, you will at one point or another find yourself more unhappy than you need to be.  In a bigger mess than you would have been if you had just stood your ground and shared your love for say, art rather than science.  Remember:

~When you open up enough for vulnerability to own it's space,

you in-turn allow for true & deeper connections to take place~


~Show Up As You~

The dawn has come
The day is new
All that's left
is to show up As You

Not as the voice inside your head
Not as your nagging pre-assumed dread

Not as the person who is trying to fit in
For with this way you'll find,
it's nearly impossible to win

Forget your to-do's
Your obligations
Your job
All they'll do is cause your head,
an unneeded throb

For these do not define who it is that you are
these are not what you should continuously cling to...
by far

So now that you know
all that's left to do is start
Just be present
And follow your heart

For when you show up as you,
it is inevitable you'll see,
All you have left to do is be...free...


So here in the comments or in our facebook group:

Tell me loud and proud who you are and what you love, unapologetically.  It will feel great, help build your courage, and you may just make a few new friends. 

For those of you who don't know me, check out my uncensored intro from my minds mashings with sprinkles of hope page...which took a lot for me to share when I put it up.  In the comments I will share some real raw guilty pleasures on the spot also!


Now it's your turn!  Don't be shy.  Here you will find an open, loving space for you to let your guard down and be all that is you <3


Love, Hugs, & Sunshine,

April :)